Martin Solveig and Dragonettes-"Hello"

I thought I've seen everything as far as music videos in my lifetime that I thought was dope, but now I just learned something new. Lady Gaga got those in your face outfits and looks, Beyonce got the legs and the moves, Kanye got the lyrics and the theatrical music videos that we can't understand till after the 3rd time of watching it over again, and then we have Martin Solveig( I'm not even going to pronounce that last name, not even in my head.) Never heard of him, same here, not until yesterday afternoon when I was listening to Z100 and heard this song play. I just had to download this song from Itunes it was a cute song and then it hit me I heard it before, it was in the Trident Vitaly commercial. Earlier today I googled his name and visited his site, I clicked on every short film video he had which were super funny and held my attention for wanting more. I thought I was watching a series on BBC America (love the show "Doctor Who", season premiere April 23, 2011, excited). Martin is a Parisian house music DJ and producer and is very big in Europe and is making his US debut. Can't wait to watch the third, fourth, and so on episode of Smash. Martin's latest album Smash will be released sometime this year. Check out the first episode "Hello", vocals from Canadian band Dragonette lead singer Martina Sorbara.

If you want more check out the second episode "S.H.E"