Fashion's Night Out:Events Schedule Unveiled

A complete listing of events for Fashion's Night out 2010 is now available on, you can also find info on where you can purchase you FNO merchandise.  40% of all proceeds will go towards the NYC Aids Fund.

The site lists all events from the 1,000 participating retailers.  You can search for events by location, items sold and by perks.  The interactive map also lets you plan out your FNO itinerary and share it with your friends.  Celebrity attendees already include Naomi Campbell, Erin Wasson, Pharrell Williams, Jade Jagger, Donna Karan, Heidi Klum, Sean Lennon, Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Combs, Marc Jacobs, Isaac Mizrahi, Chris Benz, Mary J. Blige, Oscar de la Renta, and Jessica Simpson.  Don't Miss out on the biggest shopping experience ever...See You There

Vangarde Girl Nelle