Have a Heart: Be A Whistle Blower for PEACE

As much as I love fashion I love giving back and promoting a good cause.  Beyonce and Gwenyth Paltrow have been photographed wearing whistle pendants.  While most people think it's just a trend, however these ladies are supporting a cause and making the statement they are whistle blowers for peace.  Photos courtesy Daniel/Mauceri/INF and popsugar.com.

For more information on the cause, the organization and to purchase your whistle visit Falling Whistles and become a whistle blower for peace.  100% of the proceeds are used to rehabilitate war-affected children in Congo and advocate for their freedom.
Orginal, $34.00; Brushed and Gunmetal, $44.00; Limited Edition Gold, $104.00

Peace, Love and Fashion,
Vangarde Girl Nelle