What to Wear: Casual Friday's (Men)

Many companies are now adopting to Casual Friday's.  While it is something many employees look forward to at the end of the week, knowing what to wear can also become a headache.  Friday's is when you get to let your personality shine through but you still want to show that you take your job seriously.  Here are a few tips on how to dress to impress on Casual Friday.

Nelle's Tips:

  1. Take the time to re-read the company dress code and observe how your superiors dress.  Do not follow what your co-workers are wearing because you need to dress for the job you want not the one you already have.  It's better to dress as if you are already in the position you wish to have.
  2. Maintain professionalism even if it casual Friday.  Dressing too casual can leave a negative impression about you.
  3. Although jeans may be allowed try to refrain from wearing any frayed and ripped jeans save that for outside the workplace.  
  4. Avoid wearing t-shirts and logos.  Your t-shirt may be funny to you and offensive to a co-worker. Instead try a plain or stripped polo shirt.  Save your Ralph Lauren polo with the oversized logo for the weekends.
  5. Keep it neat.  You should iron all articles of clothing you plan on wearing.  Sneakers and loafers should be clean and scuff free.  Make sure your hair is combed and doesn't look like you just rolled out of bed.  You can be wearing the same exact outfit as your co-worker however the extra time you took to dot your I's and cross your T's will allow you to appear neater and a lot more professional.
  6. Khaki pants, regular washed jeans, cardigans, button down shirts, leather belts, ties and loafers are typically safe for casual fridays.  Make sure to tuck in your shirt.
  7. Leave a suit in the office just in case you are called into a last minute meeting with a client.  This shows that you are always prepared and take your job seriously.
Vangarde Girl Nelle