Look of the Day: Mad Hatter

Name: Marie
Location: New York City
An old saying says"If you want to get ahead and get noticed, get a hat":
It's refreshing to see a younger woman in a fancy hat in 2010.  Im in admiration of anyone who can pull off the look.   Hats like the one pictured above were frequently worn by women on a daily basis before the 1920's. Etiquette articles once stated leaving your home without a hat is disgraceful.  Princess Diana popularized the wearing of hats for special occasions in the 1980's.  However after gaining confidence the princess no longer hid behind hats and the fad slowly lost favour.

Extravagant and detailed hats are no longer popular amongst women. For most women wearing a hat as a statement piece is ancient history.  Normally young women wear hats for three reasons.  The first is to cover their heads during the winter months for warmth.  The second, is to block the sun's rays during the summer.  Last but not least, bad hair days.
Today the only women crazy for fancy hats are older woman.  Statement hats are a staple in their Sunday wardrobe. For these women hats are more than just a fashion statement its also spiritual; attending church without a hat is unacceptable.  I Corinthians says, "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoured her head."

Personally I love covering my head bad hair day or not.  I have this grey beanie I love to wear which majority, well...okay all my friends hate.  I also have a few caps in rotation and recently began wearing turbans from time to time. For me covering my head is definitely not for fashion or religion.  It's simply because Im full of my self and it makes a statement.  I have such a pretty face and I feel hair takes away focus from my features.  By covering my hair the first thing people notice is my face and I am also sending the message I am not my hair.

Will hats rise again and become an accessory must have? Will more and more young women begin to wear hats...most likely not, but I love to see it.

Vangarde Girl Nelle