Meet The Star: Introducing Sheena Colette

Just a quick update on my progress with my short film "Don't Fool With Me".  Castings were held about two weeks ago in search of the main character Elizabeth.  Since the film only contains a small percentage of dialogue the goal was to find an actress able to evoke emotion without speech and nail the dialogue portion of the film.  There was a handful of good actresses making the decision process a bit difficult.  I narrowed my choices down by performance, ability to take direction and look.  After analyzing all the audition videos the director and I felt only one actress aced all three, Sheena Colette.  With virtually no direction Sheena was able to bring Elizabeth to life. Below is a clip from Sheena's audition video. Clip edited by yours truly.

Originally planned on releasing the film on Valentine's Day.  However due to increment weather in NYC the release date has been pushed back.  On a brighter note I now have more time to work on wardrobe.  If feels great watching my idea come to life.


I'm also in debate on the art for the film.  At first I wanted to go with traditional red, white and black since it was due to be released on Valentine's Day.   Now that the date has been pushed back I was thinking black, white and turquoise.  Send me an email at with your thoughts on the cover art.