Rosie IN...Emma OUT

After only a year as the face of Burberry Emma Watson's contract will not be renewed.  Her replacement will be model/actress Rosie Huntington-Whitely.  According to several articles Burberry had a 24% sales increase during Emma's advertising campaigns.   In an interview with Britain's the Sun, a source close to the firm stated " Emma was a huge success, everyone expected her to be used again."  I find it strange to drop the face of your campaign that boosts sales.  Aren't sales figures how you tell if your advertisements are successful?  Im wondering if it had anything to do with Watson's recent pixie cut...hmmm

The new face of Burberry, Rosie Huntington-Whitely has modeled for Victoria Secret, Oscar De La Renta, Vera Wang and has graced the cover of UK Vogue.  While searching for pics of Rosie I stumbled upon this pic of her at a re-grand opening of Burberry in 2008.  Maybe she has a solid history with the brand?

Photo of Rosie at Burberry by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images North America
Vangarde Girl Nelle